Why Keeping Your Beds Full in Assisted Living is Essential for Success
The success of any assisted living facility hinges on one critical factor: occupancy. If your facility’s beds are not at least 80% full, finances can become tight, making it harder to run a high-quality operation. When you reach or exceed that 80% occupancy level, you...
Getting the Most Value from Grove Menus Software
Getting the Most Value from Grove Menus Software Are you fully utilizing all the powerful features of the Grove Menus system? At Pantrytec, we’ve visited many Grove Menus customers and found that while most use the software to ensure they have a dietitian-approved...
How to Save Money on Grocery Shopping for Your Assisted Living Facility
How to Save Money on Grocery Shopping for Your Assisted Living Facility Are you looking for ways to save money on grocery shopping for your assisted living facility? With rising inflation and grocery costs, it can be challenging to stay within budget. But with our...
Top reasons people use Pantrytec.
Top 15 reasons people buy Pantrytec I want my phone to ring when people within 5 miles are looking for an assisted living facilty. They need more time and cannot afford to hire someone else even on a part time basis. You need good people. Might even be good if they...
Dietitian Approved Menu
Dietitian Approved Menus for Your Assisted Living Facility—Without the Hassle Do you need a dietitian approved menu for your assisted living facility but don’t have the time or desire to learn complicated software? Are you too busy to manage a new menu system or spend...
How Pantrytec Works
How Pantrytec Works: Streamlining Your Assisted Living Facility's Kitchen Operations Pantrytec is designed to save your assisted living facility time, money, and effort by automating and managing your kitchen’s essential tasks. We combine advanced AI, technology, and...